INTENT - What do we want to achieve
Our curriculum is bespoke to our community and has been carefully developed over the last few years to take account of all that we know about our children. It is dynamic and flexible but has a core thread running through it to allow the whole child to be developed and for them to learn to be their very best selves. We take the National Curriculum as the most basic level of entitlement and aim to build a host of skills, behaviours and learning habits on top. Every child has access to the curriculum and every adult has the development of the most rounded version of each child as their goal.
IMPLEMENTATION - How do we do this?
We use a wide range of both home grown and national schemes to ensure that all subjects are taught well. Our subject leads are developing carefully thought through progressive skills and attitude based plans. You can see these in the Curriculum Plans section.
Our curriculum is woven through projects that have high quality picture books and stories at their heart. We believe that all the essential skills can be taught through a mix of creative blending with some subjects also taught discretely to ensure the high order skills aren't diluted.
IMPACT - How do we know it's working?
How children perceive and articulate their own learning is one of the most important ways we gather evidence of success. Standardised and teacher assessments and testing will paint some of the picture but the voices, creations and achievements of the children will be the most vital and fruitful evidence source.
Subject leaders have monitoring timetables that allow time to talk to children, look at work, speak with staff and collect huge quality evidence of learning in their subject.
Please find our current whole school Curriculum Overview HERE