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Our Governing Body is made up of a group of 13 people who have chosen to give their time and commitment in support of this school and to fulfill the legally required obligations.

As well as the Headteacher and one Governor representing staff, there are three parent governors, elected by parents and six co-opted governors, appointed by the Governing Body. There is one Local Authority governor appointed by WSCC. Governors also have sought and approved the support and expertise of an Associate Governor. At present, there is a vacancy for one co-opted Governor.

The Chair of Governors co-ordinates the work of the Governing Body and liaises regularly with the Headteacher.

The Full Governing Body meets each term to monitor the school development plan, to make sure legally required policies are in place and to endorse any important decisions that the Headteacher wishes to make.

As well as the main meeting, the Governing Body also meets each term in smaller committees that take on the monitoring of particular aspects of school business: premises, staffing, finance, data, and the curriculum. Individuals also take on specific roles, for example, responsibility for child protection, special needs and disability, pupil premium, sustainability and health and safety. Apart from full Governing Body and Committee Meetings, Governors undertake training in their own time to ensure that they can fulfill these roles efficiently.

In addition, all Governors are involved in a programme of regular and targeted monitoring visits for teaching and learning. They also support the School in many other ways: accompanying educational visits, attending whole School events and special occasions, supporting individual or groups of children with learning during the school day or sharing their skills and professional expertise to help the School and its students.

Our aim as a Governing Body is to ensure that the highest standards of educational provision are maintained at West Chiltington Community School.

By law, the Governing Body must publish on the school's website details of its Members, Structure and Committees, the Governors' Declaration of Interest and a Record of Governor Attendance at the meetings. Please click on the links to view.

Helen Drummond - Headteacher Governor

I've been a teacher for 24 years and have very happily spent the last 18 of those at West Chiltington, teaching various year groups. I was Deputy Head for 7 years and staff governor for 11. I've seen endless changes in national education policy but feel heartened that, at West Chiltington, the individual child has always come first, ahead of any political agenda or initiative. A combination of working with a highly principled team of thinkers and learners, coupled with a robust understanding of current educational research, makes my job extremely worthwhile - even during a time when we are really up against it, facing unprecedented global difficulties. The children in our care deserve unqualified kindness and the very best from the adults around them. There is nowhere quite like West Chilt.


Julian Hoad - Chair of Governor

I have two daughters, both now in secondary education and, like any parent, want to ensure they get absolutely the best start in their educational lives. As a governor, I'd hope to be able to help the ongoing process of 'holistic' schooling that West Chiltington is endeavouring to achieve. Working as a vet, I consider myself to be very much part of the local community and I am proud to be able to contribute something to it.


Selina McKee - Co-opted Governor

I have two daughters who attended West Chiltington Community School and have now moved to secondary education. I chose to become a governor simply because every child has the right to a happy and secure educational environment that both celebrates individuality and nurtures strengths, and I want to play a role in maintaining this. I was a member of FOSA for 11 years, working to raise extra funds crucial to expanding learning and recreational opportunities for our children. In my day job, I am an editor at the limbic UK, an independent publication for health care professionals.


Martin Lundy-Lester - Co-opted Governor

I've been a School Governor since 2014, initially at Rudgwick Primary School, then at The Weald and since 2023 at West Chiltington. I live in the village with my partner and our two teenage boys. I'm a local estate agent with a financial services background and am very involved in the local community. I've always had a keen interest in the world of education and love that as a Governor, I'm able to have some impact on the educational outcomes of the next generation. As an adoptive parent, I have a particular interest in how the school supports disadvantaged children, as well as those with Special Educational Needs. 


Hannah Woollard - Staff Governor

I have been a teacher for over ten years and spent the last 7 years teaching at West Chiltington School.  My teaching experience is predominantly in the Early Years and KS1 within the UK  but I have also taught at an international school in Hong Kong for two years. West Chiltington is certainly a very special and unique school to work at, with the children at the absolute heart of everything we do. Teachers, alongside the children, see themselves as learners and are constantly striving to improve the experiences and outcomes for the families we work with. Using up to date research and the wealth of experience within the staff team, we are both reflective and forward looking. As the Staff Governor and Deputy Headteacher, I feel I have a key role to link staff, leadership and governors in order to enable the school vision that we all share - be kind, work hard, have fun. 


Rob Parker - Co-opted Governor

I have been the premises manager and an assistant at West Chiltington School since 2013.  My initial training was in engeering before moving over to the arts and then retraining as a teacher.  I have taught in France and the UK and now am dedicated to keeping our school safe, welcoming and statutorily compliant.


Elaine Hunt - Co-opted Governor

I was co-opted as a Governor in August 2023.
My connection to the School began about ten years ago
when I, with The Arts Society, helped to facilitate some
arts events for various age groups. At the same time, I
started volunteering to hear children read and this has
continued ever since. My daughter joined the School
from 2015 to 2022 and has now moved on to secondary
My background is finance in the publishing industry,
marrying my love of books (especially children’s books)
with my training in accountancy. I aim to contribute
positively to the governance team in the oversight of
school finances and in any other area I can.
I love the School’s child-centred approach and intend to
support its management team in maintaining and
improving a safe, happy, and inspiring educational
experience for all its pupils and a community that all its
families can be proud of.

Christa McKee-Lerbs - Clerk to the Governors

I have an extensive background in education and deeply care about children. I strongly believe that the best education possible is a birthright for every child. As the Clerk to the Governors I am able to support and contribute to the work of this highly committed Governing Body to achieve the best for all and to make education a wonderfully exciting journey for our children.

Jen Persson - Co-opted Governor & Safeguarding

My three children attended West Chiltington School 2011-2020 and still attend local secondary schools. As a former parent and FOSA member, I'm delighted to be "back" as a governor. My personal area of expertise is in pupil data governance and analysis. As a critical friend, governors support the scrutinising of budgets and policies on all of the various aspects of school life, and in an environment with frequently changing and challenging national political demands. I will do my very best to contribute as the school continues to uphold its outstanding track record on the educational experience and outcomes for children, families, and staff.

Clover Maguire - Parent Governor & SEND Governor

I have four children aged between 23 and 4 years old. Three are at West chiltington. We moved to the area in 2021 and have been hugely welcomed by the school and parents which we are so grateful for. I love being a governor and find it an amazing way to learn more about how my childrens  education is delivered. It’s a chance to to ‘give back’ a little to somewhere I believe in and also to be part of something hugely important. Real issues are discussed and key decisions made together. As a parent I’ve experienced low income, sole parenting, the journey with an SEN child and being parent to a high achiever who lost confidence during COVID-19. I believe that this, along with my business skills makes me someone well equipped to represent parents as part of the governing body,  working in partnership with the school to ensure west chiltington continues to be a place where our children are treated and taught as individuals and where they can be happy and thrive. I am passionate about the school and my role within it and look forward to the rest of my term of office.

Nikki Steggles - Co-opted Governor & Safeguarding Governor

I joined the Governing Body in June 2022.

I decided to give back something to my local school, now that I have a little more time. I live and work locally, so I am very aware of how important the school is to our community. I worked in education for 15 years at a local secondary school. I have two grown-up children who both attended West Chiltington Community School and went through the local school system. Making sure that a child is happy, safe and settled at school is an essential prerequisite to their learning. I want to be part of making that happen.

Lesley Jay - Parent Governor & Finance Governor

I became a Parent Governor as I feel that I can make a difference and offer a positive contribution to the school’s governance team. I believe that the role of the School Governors is to facilitate a psychologically safe environment which offers both support, and also constructive challenge of the management of the school. With the enormous cost-of-living challenges impacting the school finances, and the finances of both the staff and our school families, there has never been a more critical time for helping the school navigate through these difficult times. I am a parent of a child at the school and a chartered accountant with 20+ years working across the commercial and public sector as well as for social enterprises and charities. I am currently a Finance Director for a social enterprise in Brighton that delivers NHS contracts and have board level experience of governance that I aim to bring to the role, especially to help the school with their financial stewardship.


Claire Mitcham - Associate Governor

I joined West Chiltington School as the Business Manager in March 2023 and was co-opted as an associate Governor in August. I began my career as a Merchandiser in the retail sector, developing skills in financial management, procurement and HR.  Now, I am very happy to be able to draw on over 20 years of business experience to help support the School and its Governing Board. I have two children who attend schools in West Sussex and a crazy Whippet called Zooma!’


Elizabeth Huckwell - Parent Governor

I have daughter who attends West Chiltington and have a son who will join in a few years. I wanted to become a parent Governor as I am passionate about children’s education and giving them every opportunity to become the best they can.  I have some experience in working with early years and SEN children in particular, I enjoy seeing each child develop and overcome challenges they face using the skills they have learnt and watching them grow as individuals.  This role allows me to continue that support to children and feel that I may be making a difference.

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