School Uniform

- Black/grey trousers or shorts
- Grey skirt or pinafore dress
- Red & white check dress
- White polo short
- Burgundy sweatshirt / cardigan
- School shoes or plain (no logo) dark trainers. (Laces only if they can do them up unaided!)
- Sandals (not flip flops) allowed in the summer but to be worn with socks
PE Uniform:
- White t-shirt
- Black/navy shorts
- Black/navy jogging bottoms/leggings
- Named PE uniform in named bag
No Jewellery - small studs only and removed for PE days please. Hair tied back with a simple band (Please no unicorn/cat ears/JoJo bows etc).
Second Hand Uniform is available through our PTA, known as FOSA. Please contact the office for information 01798 813319
There is no requirement for a school logo on polo shirts or PE Kit but if you would like to order these, you can order these from School Trends and Broadwater Sports. Click on the logo below to access their website.