Pupil Premium & Catch up Funding

Pupil Premium & Free School Meals (FSM)
Pupil Premium funding is a small amount of money that schools receive in addition to main school funding. This funding can be spent how school feels would be best support for raising the attainment in English and Maths for the most disadvantaged pupils.
If you think you are eligible for Free School Meals, you can apply online. If your child is eligible, the school can receive extra government grant funding known as the 'Pupil Premium'. This additional funding can then be used by schools to help provide good quality education and support. Alternatively, you can request a paper copy of the application form from the school office.
Pupil Premium is also made available for pupils who have been eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point in the last 6 years (‘Ever 6’) and children from families in the Armed Forces.
The majority of children who have benefitted from this additional funding in the past continue to do well in our school. In addition to focused curriculum support, these children's families may also benefit from subsidised school trips, residential visits and after school clubs.
Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-25 here