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Performance Outcomes

Key stage 2 comparative report 2022-23

This information allows you to compare your child’s performance at the end of key stage 2 with the attainment of other year 6 pupils in our school this year, and across England.



Percentage of pupils achieving at least the expected standard:

West Chiltington School (2023)

Percentage of pupils achieving at least the expected standard: West Chiltington School (2022)

Percentage of pupils achieving at least the expected standard: nationally 2023

English reading

73% 76% 73%
English grammar, punctuation and spelling 77% 66% 72%
Mathematics 80% 66% 73%

English writing (teacher assessment)


34% 71%
Science (teacher assessment) - 62% -


The DfE school performance website can be found by clicking HERE.


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