Day to day
School Drop off and Pick up Times
Morning drop-off commences (we have volunteers to open car doors so you can drop and go!)
8:35am - 8:45am All pupils
Registers close at 9:00am, after this time your child will be recorded as an unauthorised absence.
End of the day pick-up from the playground
3:00pm Reception and KS1
3:05pm KS2
School hours total = 31hr 15m for EY and KS1, 31hr 40m for KS2
(please note, the majority of our children are in school from 8:35am which increases the school day by 50 mins over the week)
PARKING: We ask that you work with us and avoid blocking roads and driveways and any dangerous on-street parking. The school car park is not available for parents other than for those who need the disabled space. The best option is to use the field car park at the rear of the St Mary's Church and walk the short way up to school (less than 5 minutes).
At 2:30pm a chain is put up at the entrance of the school car park at pick up to prevent cars entering the premises during this time. This is to ensure the safety of parents and children leaving school.
Healthy snacks
For our KS2 children, who aren’t provided with the free fruit snack, we ask that they only have healthy snacks at break time. We ask that no nuts come into school for obvious reasons.
We love a bit of a celebration but, at the risk of sounding like party poopers, and in line with a healthy snack vision we ask that children don’t bring treats or cakes in when it’s their birthday. Save these for parties!
School bags & back packs
Space is extremely limited in school and we ask that back packs only come to school when additional equipment is needed, for example for an after school club or when children are going home to a different house. A PE bag and lunch box + water bottle are all that are needed otherwise.
We pride ourselves on being a welcoming and open hub for the whole community and will always appreciate your time. Whether you could help with sewing, reading, maths, cooking, gardening, computing, library organisation, art, skydiving or anything else we welcome you!